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Stomach Cancer Surgery in Mumbai


Stomach Cancer Overview

The stomach is part of the digestive system. It lies just under the left lung. The top of the stomach joins the bottom of the food pipe (esophagus) and the other end is joined to the bowel.

The stomach plays a vital role in food digestion, but uncontrolled cell growth in its inner lining can lead to stomach cancer. Seek guidance from Dr. Nilesh Chordia, a Specialist in stomach Cancer in Mumbai, to understand and address this condition for optimal digestive health.

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)

 Weight loss

 Persistent indigestion (dyspepsia)

 Black stool due to bleeding from Ulcer in stomach

 Fall in Haemoglobin, early fatigue, weakness

 Feeling full after eating small amounts

 The feeling of being sick

Symptoms of early stomach cancer can be similar to the symptoms of other conditions, such as stomach ulcers but it is important that those symptoms are reported to the family doctor on a specialist as soon as they are observed or felt so that timely and appropriate diagnosis can be done.

In the initial assessment, doctors employ endoscopy, laparoscopic diagnostic techniques, and radiology methods for a comprehensive evaluation of stomach cancer. While PET scans play a role, they may not be singularly sufficient for accurate staging. For a precise diagnosis and identification of the disease stage, cancer specialists, such as Dr. Nilesh Chordia, a Stomach Cancer Surgeon in Mumbai, recommend a combination of tests before initiating treatment.

Incidence of Stomach Cancer

In India, over 58,000 New cases of Stomach cancer are diagnosed every year and approximately 52,000 Deaths occur due to stomach cancer. This is with reference to data reported by Globocan 2018, an organization that reports cancer incidences, population, and deaths in various countries including India.

Unfortunately, the stomach is a hollow cavity of the body, which allows tumor/cancer to grow to a significant size before it starts producing early symptoms.

Hence cases of Stomach cancer are reported in late stages (Stage 3 or 4) in India. At this stage, treating cancer for a cure becomes all the more difficult. It is only those who are absolutely conscious about their health are able to report to the doctor the smallest disorder or discomfort and can detect cancer early.

The Stomach Cancer Treatment options

Surgery is the mainstay of treatment in cancer primarily because high-stage cancers/tumors often create obstructions in the stomach because of which intake of food is compromised in stomach cancer patients and they are starved badly to significant weakness and hampered the quality of life. In order to remove such obstructions, surgery for stomach cancer becomes important and other treatments follow.

Dr. Nilesh Chordiya is one of the best Stomach cancer surgeons in Mumbai contact us.

Other than surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are also critically important treatment options in stomach cancer treatment. ‘Laparoscopic Gastrectomy’ can be performed in cancer surgeries. It is a minimal access surgical procedure in which doctors avoid big/wide incisions on the stomach while operating and operate cancers with small incisions with minimal blood loss to patients.


    Dr Nilesh Chordiya's

    Areas Of Expertise

    Head & Neck

    These cancers occur in squamous cells of mucosal linings in the larynx, throat, lips, mouth, nose, & salivary glands.

    Breast Cancer

    Tumors or lumps in the breast are indications of breast cancer. It is treatable to a large extent if detected in an early stage.

    Stomach Cancer

    Abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the stomach leads to stomach cancer, also termed “Gastric Cancer”.

    Ovarian Cancer

    Tumor-like growth in the ovaries is known as ovarian cancer mostly affects young females & is detected in later stages.

    Oesophegal Cancer

    Oesophageal cancer occurs in any part of the food pipe, commonly caused by smoking or uncontrolled acid reflux.

    Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer begins in the gland cells of the prostate, found in males & is highly treatable at early stages

    Colorectal Cancer

    Colorectal cancer usually begins in the rectum or colon and is commonly observed in people above the age of 50.

    Gynaecological Cancer

    Gynecological cancer is a term used for the group of cancers affecting female reproductive organs & genitals.

    Take the first step against cancer!

    Patient Review

    Patient testimonial for Dr. Nilesh Chordiya

    Mamta Angarkhe

    Cancer Survivor

    Very soft spoken person & extremely gentle with patients. He explains everything and clears out any doubts the patient has. He has always been available for any guidance and support we asked for. Best treatment,Good recovery

    Ajinkya Manohar

    Cancer Survivor

    Very soft spoken person & extremely gentle with patients. He explains everything and clears out any doubts the patient has. My mom got operated under him for breast cancer and is now recovering well. He has always been available for any guidance and support we asked for. Lucky to have such doctors in our city.

    Shakuntala Purswani

    Cancer Survivor

    It's been almost a year since my husband got diagnosed with cancer but thanks to Dr. Nilesh , he operated my husband and till date we haven't faced any major complications as such. He is a great doctor , treats his patients very well.
    Thank you Dr. Nilesh

    Omkar Sakpal

    Patient's Son

    I met Dr. Nilesh sir since my father diagnosed for Renal Cell Carcinoma. He guided us very well. After every reports like CT Scan, PET Scan, CT Guided Biopsy, they explain us each & everything very clearly. Also they suggest very well known doctor (with his reference). For better treatment with medication. He received our calls at anytime and guide us with very simple behavior.
    Thank you Dr. Nilesh Chordiya Sir.

    Dr. Nilesh Chordiya

    GI & Gynaec Cancer Specialist

    24*7 Patient support available

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    With top experienced team

    All new technologies and equipments

    Get all-in-one cancer care from the expert to win the fight against cancer and transform your life forever!



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