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How Ovarian Cancer Is Diagnosed?

How Ovarian Cancer Is Diagnosed


Ovarian cancer happens in the female body that produces eggs and hormones like estrogen and progesterone. A form of growing cells that multiply very fast in the ovaries. They mutate and become uncontrolled in growth and become cancerous.

However, it is unknown the actual reason for ovarian cancer. It is developed when the cells near the ovaries change their DNA. These mutated DNA cells instruct the other cells to grow, multiply and create cancer cells. Therefore, healthy cells would die while cancer cells continue to live.

It is recommended to consult your doctor. Therefore, with surgeries and chemotherapy ovarian cancers can usually been treated.

What is ovarian cancer?

When the cells of the body growing abnormally is the actual cause of cancer. It spreads quickly in the parts of the body. Ovarian cancer is one of the most aggressive cancer.

Ovarian cancer sometimes cannot identify until it develops in the pelvis and stomach. Scientists said most ovarian cancers occurred in the fallopian tubes.

What are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer?

In the early stage, people may not find any symptoms or have vary vague symptoms . They are:

  • Stomach pain and bloating
  • Pain in back
  • Pain in the pelvic area(lower abdomen)
  • Feeling full even after small feed
  • Have frequent urine than normal
  • Excessive weight loss
  • Nausea
  • Can experience constipation

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Tests for ovarian cancer

There are many tests for ovarian cancer. However, the two tests are the major and important tests. They are transvaginal ultrasound and CA 125 blood.

TVUS tests:

These tests are used to find a tumor in the uterus ovaries and fallopian tubes with the use of a sound wave system. However, this is unable to identify whether it is a normal mass or cancer. Every tumor is not cancer.

The CA 125 blood test:

women who have ovarian cancer have a high level of CA-125 protein. This blood test will help you to find the high level of CA 125 in your blood. The test can be a good option to identify cancer . But this test sometimes is not as useful as screening. It can be raised in other benign/inflammatory conditions of abdomen , and can be normal in ovary cancer.

However, there are also many tests for ovarian cancer such as:

  • Ovarian biopsy
  • Compound tomography scan
  • MRI
  • PET or CT scan
  • Blood tests
  • Genetic testing

However, there are no reliable screen tests available currently. Hopefully, the improvement of screen tests can decrease the rate of death.

Medical history and physical exam

There can be anything that creates a high risk to increase cancer. Most factors like smoking, obesity, or having a family history can be the reason for cancer. Researchers said, there are many risk factors for growing women’s ovarian cancer.

Your ovarian cancer development high when your mother, sister, or daughter had ovarian cancer . This ovarian cancer can also affect you even from your father’s sight. The more relatives who have ovarian cancer in your family can increase the high risk of this cancer.

Some other genital cancers like breast cancer and colorectal are linked with ovarian cancer. The inherited change in certain genes will help to increase this ovarian cancer.

For ovarian cancer, there is no specific finding. All patients need to do a physical examination along with pelvic and rectal examination. In the early, there are no symptoms found. The symptoms may be found at their advancement.

Women in the late stage of ovarian cancer may find this symptom:

  • Losing weight
  • Fatigue
  • Breathing problem

Consulting with a specialists

You should consult with a doctor if your pelvic exam said you have ovarian cancer. A gynecologist and oncologist are the best for dealing with ovarian cancer.

Experienced and expert doctors will guide you to choose the best surgery for your ovarian cancer. It is also a possibility that women with ovarian cancer live longer. Before thinking about surgery people should consult with experienced doctors in this field.

Pelvic test

In this test, in your vagina, indoctor inserts gloved fingers. To feel your pelvic organ doctor also presses the hand over your abdomen area. Your external genitalia, vagina, and cervix are also examined by doctors.
The pelvic exam is not reliable for detecting ovarian cancer. During the early stage, other tests are also necessary.

Imaging test

To see inside of your body doctors, take pictures and this is called an imaging test. Imaging tests can identify the tumor but can not confirm it as cancer. However, this also helps to see whether this ovarian cancer spreads the other organs or tissues. This also may be helpful to know the size, shape, and structure of your ovaries.

Lab tests

Your doctor will ask you to examine your white and red blood cell count. And also count your platelet. Your kidney and liver are also tested through a blood test. These tests help you in your health.

These tests will help the patient to know the deficiency of Vitamin D and iron. This test helps to boost their quality of life when patients know how to replace their nutrients. The complexion of surgery is reduced by this test.


    About Author

    Dr. Nilesh is a renowned Cancer surgeon/consultant practicing at SSO Hospital, Infinity Media Surge Hospital, and Navkaar Cancer Clinic Mumbai and he is also a visiting consultant at various hospitals in Mumbai, Thane, Dombivali, Kalyan, Navi Mumbai, etc. With over 10+ years of experience, he is highly trained and specialized in performing GI & Gynae cancer surgery procedures from the simplest to the most complicated surgeries.

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